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South Wales Hospital

The Challenge

To ensure reliable temporary power to a major hospital in South Wales.


The Solution

Power Electrics supplied two 500kVA synchronising generators to provide temporary power for a major hospital in South Wales while maintenance work was carried out on the embedded standby unit. The generators were connected as an N+1 solution to the main supply, supporting the vital supply of power for the hospital. 

The following weekend, the local Distribution Network Operators were performing maintenance on the 11kV incoming supply for the hospital. Power Electrics was then called upon to provide a 2000kVA generator to act as prime power to a section of the hospital. During the installation of the temporary generator, Power Electrics reconfigured the existing standby generators to act as back-up to the prime power temporary generator while the HV maintenance was undertaken.    

Power Electrics engineers were stationed on site for the entirety of the three day maintenance period in order to ensure that any issues could be dealt with immediately.